
Hooray I'm not alone! What does the rising part of Gemini mean?

I think all would benefit from embracing our conflicts and contradictions 😊

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I believe the rising sign is what you present to the world, what's in front as you start your life.

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So interesting 😎

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I am a Gemini too and consider myself an extrovert but I also love alone time — and have that same group attitude (lead or go with the flow). Maybe I'm an ambivert, too. 🤔🙃 Thanks for sharing! 🥰

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Maybe we're all the things! I also lean more towards extroversion!

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Mar 13Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I don't wear sunscreen even though I burn in say April and may then turn an olive color. I'm same with you on foundation tones. 😊♥️ we are all so diverse I don't get why some people want to be just one thing. I used to blame it on the fact I'm bipolar and can never make decisions-- nah, girl... we are just well rounded people. And I'm glad to read blog posts from another well rounded individual. ♥️😊

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When you put it like that :) :)

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13Liked by Tiffany Philippou

As a Gemini rising I relate very deeply to this 💁‍♀️Parts work in therapy has helped me understand myself so much better and has allowed me to release the idea that I have to be just one unyielding identity and embrace the complexities and contradictions.

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Like you, I really don't understand why when I'm saying "I'm a Gemini", it isn't enough of an explanation 😅 I mean.... come on !! I am also an ambivert and I am a lot of conflictual things that only seem conflictual to other people.

I really really enjoyed this piece, the way it was written, the analogy and the topic.

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Thank you for kind words on the piece!! Means a lot. Also are all Geminis ambiverts?

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Maybe we're bound to feel each side of the coin (what a metaphor right there 🤣) so yeah we may all be ambiverts.

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I'm also an ambivert! Maybe it's time to reframe "confusing" to others (and self) as mysterious and intriguing.

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Yes love that. I'm mysterious and intriguing!

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Mar 15Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I love that !

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Mar 13Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Forever in the duality of our mixed cultures. Also, did I tell you my Papou was apprenticed to a cobbler as a child? (I know💔)On LEDRA! They probably knew each other x

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😲😲😲 almost certainly. And just thinking haven't even thought about my third culture 🤣🫣 🇬🇧

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Most people want each of us to be one thing. It simplifies their lives. I know my adult children (38, 33) dread coming home because they are seen here as who they were at 10 or 16 even as they have become many things all at once in adulthood. Reunions are just … out! So, anyway… I don’t mind visiting them as long as they’ll let me be in awe of who they have become.

Ugh… I could keep typing but the sunscreen is dripping into my eyes… OTOH, no clouds in the sky, so that’s a W!

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Mar 13Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I understand you, Tiffany because i'm an ambivert, too. I'm not a Gemini, though (i'm a Sagittarius. My birthday's in November).

For a few years, i wanted to ignore my introvert side or better say, erase it completely. However, now i accept both my sides and try to use each of them when necessary. There's just one problem: sometimes when i need me time to recharge my batteries, i have to activate my extrovert side and i can't escape that (my mom's family understands this, but not my dad's family [despite the fact that physically and behaviorally, i'm more like my dad's family]).

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Accepting both sides is all we can do!!

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Yes, indeed.

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Mar 13Liked by Tiffany Philippou

GEMINI ENERGY PERSONIFIED!!! Also, which sunscreen do you wear? I know this isn't the point of this post, but I'm in a real sunscreen crisis and I know you and I both like to carefully curate everything we use...

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We really do!

So surprisingly beauty pie for the face (recommended by a facialist and my skin is happy even though I don't endorse beauty pie in general)

For body - la Roche posay or piz buin

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Mar 13Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Ordering now. Did you get your hibiscus tea yet?

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Going now! 🤣

We should have a wellness substack

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I've tried Evolve beauty and really enjoyed it. No white cast on the face, clean brand.

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Don't know this brand. Looks interesting!

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I think I'll try other stuff than the sunscreen but I'm defo repurchasing the spf #southoffrancebaby

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Apr 16Liked by Tiffany Philippou


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Apr 16Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Just ordered your memoir, so pleased to have come across your Substack, your writing is very energetic. Love it!

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Oh hooray that's lovely thank you. Hope you like the memoir 🙏🏻☀️

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Mar 14Liked by Tiffany Philippou


Hi gemini sister

Promise I'm cool and totally weird

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Hooray for weird!!!

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Love love love this! I tell the therapist I’m a Scorpio (torn between the desire to create and to destroy) but they don’t care either. It seems to be so common for multi-pats (as opposed to expats?) to say in one place that they're from the other, and vice versa, while holding two homes and two personas at once.

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So true so true. We are our tensions (create + destroy!)

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