Feb 21Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I must get around to watching One Day.

Reading this, I realised I don’t have rules for telly, although I guess I have certain habits. I don’t watch anything heavy before bedtime and like a little chuckle. I changed the settings on Netflix so that I have to manually choose to watch the next episode. Most of the time, I’m not on my phone while watching something. Prefer to give it my full attention. I laughed at the idea of having just one subscription as I think husband and kids would lose their minds. Although we have talked about offing Netflix if they put their price up again. If I’m chilling at home on a weekend afternoon, I tend to watch Murder She Wrote or Columbo. I don’t watch the news, especially news channels — repetitive and draining.

Friends saw me through the early months of the pandemic when I needed lightness from the end-of-days feeling. I watch it or Seinfeld if I wake up in the night and am struggling to get back to sleep. Big Little Lies and Chewing Gum, plus Ghost and Coming to America (my all-time favourite films) were what I watched in the week or so after burying dad. SATC is like getting together with old pals and maybe connecting with my twenties.

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Oo thanks for sharing.

Appreciate the one subscription rule is a bit more controversial when multiple people are in a house! Maybe each person is only allowed one at a time haha.

I did NOT know Netflix had that setting. That's a game changer.

I'm glad you're with me on the full attention - I worry they're making TV for people only with half an eye on it and TV will suffer for it!

I don't watch the news either.

Friends will always be a comfort blanket - it was all I could watch in the immediate shock of my break-up.

I LOVED Big Little Lies (maybe i'll rewatch) and Chewing Gum is on my list!! I might watch it now I'm sad One Day is out of my life.

What we watch when in grief could be a gorgeous post/ thread. Thank you for sharing.

Lots of love x

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Love this! I watch TV in such a similar way as you, I'm ready to buy Netflix again entirely for One Day - and maybe Love is blind whilst I'm there but now that they phase out the episodes it gets a bit frustrating! I also cannot multitask and watch tv with a phone nearby - liking to be entirely absorbed. Hope you're well and thanks for this!

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Absolute pleasure! Enjoy One Day!

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Some really good principles in there. I am guilty of being on my phone while choosing to re-re-rewatch Supernatural. I don't know what's even happening. But I do like to have access to the things I like and the things I've finished... Maybe there's some internal digging I have to do to figure out why.

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Sometimes it's nice to be on the phone and have something playing in the background on the TV too!

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Feb 21Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Thanks!! I was looking for something to watch as I was convinced that everything that could be streamed, has been streamed. That was the premise of my latest harmonica video anyway, which is what I binge out on when I’m feeling sad, unmoored, untethered adrift in some amorphous grief I can identify but feel intensely. Maybe Willie Nelson’s “Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain” is not the best choice to play over and over and over and … well, it’s where I am now. 100Harmonicas, it’s a newsletter… 🤷‍♂️

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I’m three episodes in and … this one technique they use is painful, when they show flashback memories of that one night, several years later and they are seared into the characters’ memory with such intensity as if they were still experiencing them. I have a handful myself mostly from a short dalliance when I was as young as Dex and Emma … and this show is forcing them to present front and center… I’m old now — in fact, they would be contemporaries — so they are almost unbearable… beginning to think these memories are like wine and cheese, they intensify with age. I now dread getting older… I sorta dread continuing watching…

Anyway, I record short little harmonica bits here on one of my two newsletters and my most recent was Willie Nelson, “Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain” … that line “love is like a dying ember, where only memories remain.” is hitting particularly hard rn.

I’m not ungrateful for you pointing me to this series… it’s a good kinda of hurt 🙂

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I’m so glad you got round to watching it! I finished last week, all the feelings…

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Oh yes I've been meaning to tell you. Very happy with that decision!

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It's a killer for us romantics 🤣😍

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Feb 21Liked by Tiffany Philippou

I, too have rules for watching TV like you. I divide my watchlist into two: with my dad and on my own.

For this week, "Oppenheimer", "Maestro", and "Killers of the flower moon" are "on my own" watchlist (i've downloaded them via uTorrent).

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Oh yes I love that. When I lived with people, I would also divide what I'd watch with them and on my own. Enjoy those films!

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Feb 21Liked by Tiffany Philippou

Thanks, Tiffany. At the onset of COVID lockdowns, i was very depressed and would download and binge-watch TV series uncontrollably. One day, my mom bolted through my room's door furiously and threatened to smash my laptop to pieces. And i was on the floor sobbing and begging her not to do so.

The next day, i decided to limit my watching time, from every day for 5-6 hours to 3 days for 3-4 hours. It was a bit hard at first, but now that has become my habit.

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I'm sorry to hear this but hope the new habit is working well for you! Sometimes we need what we need ❤️

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This habit has worked very well for me, Tiffany. Sometimes, when sb does sth and it scares the hell out of you (like what my mom threatened to do), it stays in your memory forever.

P. S.: What my mom did that day has become a sort of reminder for me to not exceed my watch limit.

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This habit has worked very well for me, Tiffany. Sometimes, when sb does sth and it scares the hell out of you (like what my mom threatened to do), it stays in your memory forever.

P. S.: What my mom did that day has become a sort of reminder for me to not exceed my watch limit.

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